The legislator has created various tax advantages for the donation of assets to a charitable purpose. These range from extensive deductibility of such donations for income tax purposes to complete exemption from inheritance and gift tax.
In addition, by passing on an inheritance or legacy, you can be completely exempt from personal inheritance tax with regard to the amount of the donation within 24 months of the accrual of the benefit.
In detail, the tax aspects are regulated in an extremely complex manner, so that no comprehensive discussion can take place within this framework. In general, however, it can be said that from a tax point of view, charitable commitment is generously supported by the state. Thus, in any case, the state contributes through various favorable circumstances, if you decide to take such a step.
We would be pleased to show you the various options for making a donation – also from a tax point of view – and would ask you to contact us in this regard. Of course, we are at your disposal at any time for a detailed discussion without obligation.